domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


Grammar is not only verb tenses. Therefore, it is about time we talked about other issues... What about Quantifiers then?

Many and few are technically opposites:

Many expresses big quantity.      Few expresses small quantity.

The same happens with much and little:

Much expresses big quantity.      Little expresses small quantity.

Ok, but what about many and much? They can be quite confusing, I admit.

Let's take a look at these examples:

Many people are coming to Jean's birthday party.

They are not going to drink much alcohol though.

Let's zoom in a little:

many people

much alcohol

We usually use many before plural nouns: many friends, many people, many books, many problems, etc.

And much before singular nouns: much paper, much water, much juice, much gas, etc.


Many and much usually appear in negative sentences.

But what happens with the affirmative ones?

That's where a lot of and lots of step in!

Wanna practice? HERE and HERE.

Easy, isn’t it?

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